Jazz Square Minutes

courtesy Gustav Eden

Location: Jazz Square
Attendees: Ray Beers, Fattie, Art Griff, James, Siggy Sturlasson, Milo (Insert Nickname), Undersigned.
Special appearance: Baker
SMS Announcements:
“I’m here.”
“We’re running late”
“Want to skate Mayfair?”
“Could you bring some wax?”

Missed calls 6h15-6h45: 4

Temperature: Cold but bearable
Humidity: Dryish/Undamp
Session: 2hrs

Milo: Skating in a t-shirt on his own for 15 minutes, pondering the status quo.

Featured obstacle: Bottom “slappie” step
Go-to: Frontside tailslide
Roll-past obstacle: Barrier
Pose this shot: “Into the light”

Baker arrived halfway through the session and decided that he doesn’t need to skate more than every six months to put everyone else to shame. Ollie pop: 1/2 body height. Length of grind: N16 8JH.
Good one. More of this.

Topic #2
“Never skate the day before a trip” was successfully ignored. Enjoy the weather.

New Pub: The Kingsland
Verdict: A pub’s pub. A landmark of frill aversion

Conclusive remarks: “This is such a good spot”